Fruits and Personality; the unlikely connection


Studies have shown that specific flavor or taste preferences (in this case fruit preferences) can be linked to certain personality traits. Science also says that your favorite fruits can help identify your personality traits.

So if fruits could tell your personality, what fruit would you be?

Join me as we explore some common fruits and personality traits associated with them;


fruits display

·       Apple


If your favorite fruit is apple then you like to keep fit, athletic, and health conscious. You enjoy life, radiate enthusiasm, and are charismatic, extroverted, extravagant, impulsive, and outspoken person; often with a bit of a short temper. You may not be a good organizer but you are a good leader disciplined in life and enjoy traveling.


·       Orange

If orange is your favorite fruit then you are a patient, thoughtful, thorough, reliable, determined, and trustworthy individual. You are shy, and careful, and try to avoid conflict at all costs. You love hard, are serious-minded, and do not make empty promises.

·       Watermelon

If watermelon is your favorite fruit then you are intelligent, hardworking, fertile, self-sufficient, outstanding, creative, and diligent.

·       Coconut

If you are a coconut lover, then you tend to be a stubborn, shrewd, thoughtful, contemplative, and serious person. You are sociable with leadership qualities but will need a partner that is intelligent and passionate. You are family-oriented, empathetic, compassionate, a good provider, and a protector.


·       Mango

If you like mangoes, you tend to be headstrong, extremist, stubborn, difficult to influence, and have strong views on issues. You are also a highly logical, rational thinker and a really considerate person in real life, especially in relationships. They are highly optimistic and free-spirited.

·       Avocado Pea

If you love pear then you are purposeful, contented, intuitive, graceful, and independent but you are restless, easily annoyed, and demotivated. You are also sensitive, empathetic, and cheerful.

·       Lemon

If you like lemons then you are creative, highly organized, neat, pure, and value hygiene.


·       Pawpaw (papaya)

If papaya is your favorite fruit then you are fearless, a go-getter, generous nature, and have a great sense of humor.  You enjoy meeting new people, sightseeing, contemplative, and taking much that happens in life, in your stride.

·       Cherry

If you like cherries then you tend to be shy, reserved, introverted, easygoing, loyal, and have a vivid imagination. You are a fast thinker, sincere, free-spirited, flexible, independent, and energetic.

·       Banana 

If you are a banana lover then you are Gentle, warm, loving, soft, friendly, respectful, polite, sympathetic, loyal, and kind-hearted. You are often exploited due to your good nature and lack of self-confidence but you aren’t a pushover. You are a quick learner, rarely repeat mistakes, and form close, lifelong relationships.


·       Pineapple

If pineapple is your favorite fruit then you have exceptional organizing abilities, and you are self-reliant, sincere, brave, and honest. You tend to act on impulse and are not very affectionate but tend to have a lifelong friendship.


·       Peach

If you like peach then you are frank, friendly, outspoken, forgive easily, and value friendships. You are a go-getter, ambitious, independent, fiery, passionate, and ideal lover who is sincere and faithful in love.


·       Custard apple

If you are a custard apple lover then you are modest, conservative, thoughtful, contemplative, detailed, and ambitious.  You tend to be shy and not comfortable in demonstrating affection but are quick at finding fault with others. You naturally gravitate to a partner with high intellect against looks or passion.


·       Black Grapes

Lovers of black grapes than to be polite, popular, warm, have a zest for life, and enjoy beauty in all forms but have a short temper.


·       Berries (blueberries, raspberries and strawberries)

Lovers of berries tend to be extroverted, strong-willed, reliable, trustworthy, self-reliant, well-organized, sincere, and honest. You tend to have a short temper and are unable to show affection (emotions), especially to your partners or those close to you.


From the list above, which fruit describes your personality and is it a fruit that you love eating?

I am a mix of orange and watermelon with a tinge of lemon.

Do let us know in the comment section, what fruit(s) is associated with your personality.

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